Discussion “Can Arbitration Proceedings be Cheaper and More Efficient? Summary Disposition Proceedings, Town Elder Arbitration Rules and Other Ideas”
Michał Kocur, the Secretary General of the PAA, will present a short introduction to the discussion. The meeting will take place at the offices of Squire Patton Boggs Krześniak, at Rondo ONZ 1 in Warsaw.
Read MoreMeeting with Hamburg Arbitration Circle (HAC) and German Arbitration Institute (DIS)
Professor Stefan Kröll will give an opening lecture. The meeting will be held in English. A link to the meeting can be found here.
Read MorePolish Arbitration Association’s Statement in Connection with Russia’s Agression Against Ukraine
At the same time, we are full of admiration for the Ukrainian people standing up to the invaders who question their right to freedom and self-determination. We want to help our colleagues in Ukraine. The Polish Arbitration Association is transferring the funds raised in the recent years, in the amount of PLN 12,000, to the…
Read MoreArbitrators’ Deliberations and Dissenting Opinions
We discussed when the deliberation should start. How should arbitrators during deliberations? What if a president fails to manage the deliberations properly? We also discussed a related issue of dissenting opinions. What is the purpose of dissenting opinions? Why are dissenting opinions sometimes treated by the president as a personal attacks? How to write a…
Read MoreDisclosure of files of arbitration proceedings to common courts and state authorities
We discussed whether, to what extent, and under what circumstances, courts and state authorities may demand disclosure of files of arbitration proceedings by arbitral institutions.
Read MoreHOT BENCH vs COLD BENCH. Limits of the Arbitrators’ Proactive Approach
“Cybersecurity and Technology in International Arbitration – challenges and opportunities for business.” seminary. The “SCC World Tour” in Warsaw
Participants discused cybersecurity and technology in arbitration. The new SCC Platform for communication and file exchange between SCC, parties and arbitral tribunals was presented. Seminar program: 2:30 Opening address Daniel Larsson, Counsellor, Embassy of Sweden Eligiusz Krześniak, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs 2:45 Discussion on technology and cybersecurity in international arbitration Moderator: Michał Kocur, Partner,…
Read More2019 ICC Charity Christmas Dinner
During the Ball ICC Polska a charity auction to raise funds for the “Fundacja Samodzielnosć od Kuchni” foundation was held. The foundation engages local communities in helping young people from orphanages to stand on their own feet and commence independent adult lives.
Read MoreGDPR in Arbitration
Dr. Arwid Mednis, one of the leading specialist in the field of personal data protection law in Poland gave a lecture.
Read MoreNew Limits of Arbitration
The seminar was organized by the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Civil Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw.
Read MoreThe German Arbitration Institute (DIS) conference
The DIS Arbitration Rules 2018 were presented. There was a discussion on the rules. The panelists also discussed commercial arbitration in Germany and in Poland. You can find details of the conference here.
Read MoreDebate on changes regarding arbitration of corporate disputes
Discussion on the ‘Arbitrator’s Pledge’
The authors of the Pledge, namely Marcin Asłanowicz, Monika Hartung, Bartosz Krużewski, Katarzyna Kucharczyk, Rafał Morek, Paweł Pietkiewicz and Justyna Szpara, took part in the discussion. The meeting was chaired by the members of the Management Board of the PAA – Eligiusz Krześniak and Michał Kocur. Please confirm your interest in taking part by e-mail…
Read MorePAA supported organization of the Dispute Resolution in M&A Transactions conference
The conference was held on 23–24 May 2019 and was devoted, among other things, to arbitration regarding new trends and important issues in M&A arbitration, with which arbitrators in Russia, New Zealand, the Baltic States and Israel are facing. The subject of TPF and the complexity of M&A transactions were mentioned in the context of…
Read MoreMeeting of the Management Board of PAA
Prague Rules
All members of the PAA and anyone interested in arbitration in Poland were invited. The introductory presentations were delivered by attorney-at-law Kocur (against) and attorney-at-law Dr. Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz (for). There was a great deal of interest in the meeting; several dozen representatives of the arbitration environment in Poland took part in it. The…
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